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Traditional Farming and the Need to Get Back to it

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Current situation in the country

Almost 60% of Indians are engaged in agriculture contributing 20% to the Gross Domestic product of the country. This means agriculture is a BIG thing in terms of occupations and contributing to the economy.


Bad effects of it

With a majority of the country engaged in agriculture, farming as a practice is becoming more commercial. The focus is now more on maximizing output and profit rather than health needs and worries


Usefulness of going back to traditional farming

Traditional methods of farming is a way of working what what is given to us. Instead of adding fertilizer to the soil, we grow a crop that suits that kind of soil. Instead of using Earth moving machines, we use primitive tools such as axe, hoes and sticks. No chemical fertilizer is involved. Instead organic fertilizer with essential nutrients are. All this results in much more healthy and organic food to put on the table

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